
Restoring the Man and Father in the Home!

A great read, packed with ancient wisdom we need for modern living!

“I finally was able to read Called to be Men. Thank you, thank you, thank you. This is a great read. I love how you pulled things back to our Hebrew Roots.” - Bill Wilson

Women will love this book also! This book describes the man every woman wants for a husband. And it teaches men how to become that man. Very simply it will change your marriage. It’s a must have also for your sons, grandsons, nephews and so on.
So happy this book was written! I purchased 5 copies. One for my husband, one for my adult son, one for each of my husbands adult sons, and one for a dear friend (father of five).
God is most powerful and men of God are empowered by God himself.
— Dog days of Summer

“I don't recognize you!! You have gone to a Whole new level!! You have a Moses anointing!!” - Juennine Fox

About the Author

Pastor Steve Heimbichner has been in the ministry since 1977. Ministering for eighteen years at the Montana Rescue Mission in Billings, Montana. He then served for twelve years as a chaplain for a national motorcycle group. He traveled the united states for three years as an evangelist. In 2002 while living in Colorado Springs, CO, he and his wife Evelyn, were introduced into the Hebrew Roots of the Christian faith. Since that time they have been on an incredible journey of revelation and discovery in the Hebrew mindset and culture that has deepened their love for Messiah and given them a fiery passion for the kingdom of Yahweh as taught and lived by Him. In 2006 Yahweh moved Steve and Evelyn back to Montana to start a Hebrew roots church called Everlasting Covenant Congregation. Since that time they have continued to serve as pastors at ELCC ministering truth to those hungry for Truth. In recent years they have also been blessed to be able to take the Hebrew gospel of the Kingdom through Called to be Men, to the Northern Cheyenne

and Crow nations. Through livestream broadcast of ELCC services, Pastor Steve is also reaching into multiple locations across the united states and countries abroad. Pastors Steve and Evelyn are anointed leaders who have a passion to take the Living Torah to the nations, empowering people to break free from their bondages and accomplish the unique destinies Yahweh has purposed for every individual.